*** A collection of events, trial dates and actions. Contact us if you want us to add something. ***
29.7.2019 NBA second instance trial against an activist at Landgericht Freiburg, starting at 2 pm.

starting 2pm at De-Wette Park, Basel
barrikade.info: Die Demonstration baselnazifrei vom 24. November 2018 liegt nun schon ein halbes Jahr zurück. Sie wird als ein starkes Zeichen gegen Faschismus und rechte Hetze im Gedächtnis bleiben. Dank dem entschlossenen Widerstand von fast 2’000 Menschen konnte verhindert werden, dass der öffentliche Raum als Bühne für Nazi-Propaganda genutzt wurde. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, mussten sich die Demonstrierenden über die Weisungen der Polizei hinwegsetzen. Denn diese hatte der rechtsextremen PNOS eine Kundgebung auf dem Messeplatz bewilligt, während sie die Gegenveranstaltung nur an einem weit entfernten Ort erlaubte.
Monate später dringen Polizist*innen im Auftrag der Staatsanwaltschaft Basel frühmorgens in zahlreiche Wohnungen ein. Das Ziel: Verschiedene Einzelpersonen, denen vorgeworfen wird, an diesem Tag gegen die PNOS auf der Strasse gewesen zu sein. Innerhalb weniger Wochen kommt es in Basel und anderen Kantonen zu über zwanzig solcher Hausdurchsuchungen und zu Festnahmen. Manche werden bis zu 48 Stunden auf der Polizeistation behalten – die beantragte Untersuchungshaft wird vom Zwangsmassnahmengericht aber abgelehnt. Auffallend ist auch, dass ausländische Verha
ftete auf dem Posten zusätzlichen Schikanen ausgesetzt waren, wie z.B. rassistischen Beleidigungen.
Kompletter Aufruf hier und queer-feministischer Antifa Aufruf hier.
25.05.2019 Freiburg: Demo against new police law in Baden-Württemberg
18.02.2019 Kerpen (close to Cologne): Second day of trial against Hambi prisoner Eule
hambacherwald.org: After more than four month of pre-trial prison the trial against Eule started in February 4th. Eule is being charged for assaulting an officer (§114 Abs 1 StGB, §§ 224 Abs 1 Ziffer 2, 22, 23, 52 StGB.)
Eule is still in prison and the trial will continue on the 18th at local court Kerpen. Write letters to Eule! Infos can be found here.
Trial: Monday, 18.02.2019, 1pm at Amtsgericht Kerpen, Nordring 2–8, 50171 Kerpen
25.01.2019 Basel: End of trial against Basel 18
‘In October 2018 the trial against 18 folks accused of taking part in a wild demo in June 2016 in Basel began. On the 24th of June 2016 a wild demo took place accompanied by attacks on the racist SVP (party), a UBS bank branch, some insurances and a criminal court in Basel. When cops arrived they were greeted with stones and bottles.
The defendants face due to the construct of complicity drastic penalties. As a result of pressure by the lawyers the sentence was delayed, but is to be expected on January 25th 2019.
More info about the trial on barrikade.info (German).
On the 25th of January 2019 meeting point for the trial is at 7.30 am the court Strafgericht Basel-Stadt, at Schützmattstrasse 20. There is a demo at 11 am in front of the court to greet the defendants at the end of the trial.
24.01.2019 Stuttgart: Appeal trial against anarchist after blockade of Hambach coal train
After a blockade of the Hambach coal train he is being charged for disturbing public services („Störung öffentlicher Betriebe“). There is a report from the first-instance trial here (German).
The trial will take place at the Landgericht (state court) Stuttgart at 9 am (the trial takes place close to the defendents home, not Hambach, as it is juvenile criminal law)
21.01.2019 Mannheim: Police brutality and repression against solidarity, trial against S.
Trial for allegedly resisting and attacking an officer at Amtsgericht (local court) Mannheim starting 11 am. Meeting point 10.30 am in front of the court, Schloss Westflügel, Bismarckstraße 14.
The trial date was CANCELLED for the 21.01.!! At the moment there is no new date for the trial. As soon as we know the new trial date you can look it up here.
21.01.2019 Freiburg: Second instance trial against U after No Border Action Days border blockade
Trial starting 9 am at Landgericht Freiburg. More info here.
10.01.2019 Freiburg: Trial against climbing activist after No Border Action Days 2016
Trial starting 1:30 pm at Amtsgericht Lörrach. More info here.
Dressing warm against repression
events during this winter in Freiburg
11.10.2018 Freiburg: NBA second instance trial
Trial takes place at Landgericht (provincial court) Freiburg, Salzstr. 28, Sitzungssaal 4, 1.OG, starting at 9 am.
As always: if you are searched for by the cops or took part in the NBA actions and haven’t been caught. Dont show up!
17.8.2018 Lörrach: NBA trial against Carlito [cancelled]
Trial after the A5 interstate blockade during the No Border Action Days in April 2016 taking place at Amtgericht Lörrach, Bahnhofstr. 4 Lörrach. -> cancelled after penalty was accepted instead of the trial.
04.07.2018 Hamburg: new G20 trial date for Robin
Solidary trial support welcome. Trial is taking place at 1:30 pm at Amtsgericht Hamburg-Mitte, Sievekingplatz 3 (Strafjustizgebäude), Sitzungssaal 186 / ground floor. Controls have been announced, cell phones will be taken away. If you took place in No G20 actions and haven’t been caught or if cops are searching for you, don’t show up, it’s not safe.
20.06.2018 Hamburg: G20 trial Robin [cancelled by the court for now!!!]
Solidary trial support welcome. Trial is taking place 2pm at Amtsgericht Hamburg-Mitte, Sievekingplatz 3 (Strafjustizgebäude), Sitzungssaal 186 / ground floor. Controls have been announced, cell phones will be taken away. If you took place in No G20 actions and haven’t been caught or if cops are searching for you, don’t show up, it’s not safe.