As part of the No Border Action Days (NBA) in Freiburg and Basel activist squatted in April 2016 the A5 interstate close to the German/Swiss border crossing Weil am Rhein.
Dozens were arrested, the state reacted with penalty orders and lawsuits.
As part of the No Border Action Days (NBA) in Freiburg and Basel activist squatted in April 2016 the A5 interstate close to the German/Swiss border crossing Weil am Rhein.
Dozens were arrested, the state reacted with penalty orders and lawsuits.
Im Rahmen der No Border Action Days (NBA) in Freiburg und Basel besetzen Aktivist_innen im April 2016 die A5 nahe dem Grenzübergang Weil am Rhein. Es kommt zu dutzenden Festnahmen. Seit dem folgten Strafbefehle und Gerichtsprozesse.
Infos zur Soli-Kampagne nobordersolidarity findet ihr hier.